
Book of the Month. Again.

I was disappointed by this book. The writing was bad. This was similar to Dear Edward to me in that it was incredibly slow and just dwelled on how the main characters felt nothing at all. That’s not exciting to read about and I don’t find it relatable…

This story is centered around a 31 year old woman named Casey. She has been writing her novel for six years, her mother is dead, and she has no money. And no current love interests. And she cries. And is broke. And mopes around all the time. That’s about it. They tease two love interests for a little bit, but one of the relationships sounds miserable and the other moves way too quickly.

All in all, this book doesn’t deserve more of a review than this. It was bad. Don’t read it. If you really want to for whatever reason, let me know and I will send it to you. I don’t want this book associated with my bookshelf.